The Spanish Spinster, Maria- Helena, 1730-1764

The Spanish Spinster, Maria- Helena, 1730-1764

Hugo Guinness Original
  • 8.5" x 10.5"
  • Oil on cardboard 
  • Painted wood frame
  • Hugo Guinness c. 2024
  • Please call or email the shop for purchasing details
    212.677.8408 |

    Hugo Guinness is a British painter, illustrator, and writer. His work has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, and Vogue as well as collaborations with J Crew and Coach. Hugo shared an Oscar nomination with Wes Anderson for the Grand Budapest Hotel screenplay and recently completed an animated short I Will Always Remember You, benefitting the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. He lives and works with his wife and two daughters in Brooklyn, New York. He’s also on Instagram @hugoguinness.

    The Spanish Spinster, Maria- Helena, 1730-1764

    The Spanish Spinster, Maria- Helena, 1730-1764

    The Spanish Spinster, Maria- Helena, 1730-1764
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